Launch of the Vauxhall Retailer Purchasing Programme
Following a robust due diligence process though the Summer TPA have now partnered with Vauxhall Motors and on the 1st October 2015 a new Purchasing Programme formally launched. This new scheme, called the Retailer Purchasing Programme, encourages the Vauxhall franchised dealerships to participate in the scheme with us.
New goods and services to TPA portfolio
The TPA Good and Services portfolio is continuing to grow with the addition of:
- Fire Alarms and Fire Extinguisher Maintenance
- PAT Testing
- Air Conditioning (installation and maintenance)
- Various Industry Specific Goods and Services for our Car Dealership clients
Water Management
Water management is a new service that has been very well received and has
already taken up by many of our clients (across all market sectors). On 1st
April 2017 the water supply industry in England is about to experience a significant
reform to the supply of water and how it is charged.
Our partner delivering this service will place our clients in their purchase
"basket" to achieve the maximised savings in negotiating rates.
Contact us now to receive our introduction pack and what to do next if you
would like to participate.
New goods and services to TPA portfolio
The goods and services we offer our clients continues to grow and new additions to our portfolio include:
- SMS Messaging
- Vehicle Service Plans
- Event Management specific to car dealerships
- Water Management
Please get in touch with us for more
information on the new additions or for information on our full portfolio
of goods and services we offer our clients.
TPA Macmillan Coffee Morning 26th September 2014
Following the success of our Macmillan Coffee morning last year as part of
the World's biggest coffee morning we have decided to hold another on this
year on 26th September 2014. We raised a fantastic £616.62 last year.
We will be doing a raffle which you can purchase tickets from the office and
of course please feel free to pop in for coffee and cake on the morning of
the 26th September to raise some money for a great charity.
New Refrigerant R1234yf gas available through TPA's Partner
The refrigeration and air conditioning sector has been subjected to significant
legislation to control the use of harmful refrigerants and to reduce the GWP
(global warming potential) in the market. The new refrigerant gas Opteon
YF (R1234yf) is the new gas for new platform cars, which are now governed
by new EU environmental legislation. This new gas has a GWP of just 4 which
is 99.7% lower than the current R134a gas.
The new R1234ayf is now available to purchase for all repair and maintenance
work through our partner BOC whose experts will be happy to offer technical
support in meeting R1234yf handling and safety challenges.
Please contact us for more information on this product or for any other industrial,
refrigerant or balloon gas requirements.
The Purchasing Agency Launch New Website.
The Purchasing Agency is pleased to announce its new website and it is hoped that you will find it informative.
This “News” section will provide regular updates and news stories relevant to purchasing, latest market information and articles that may be of interest to its client base.
Follow us on Twitter
Please follow us on Twitter @TPApurchasing for latest news, information and market info